Nominate FCCPS Employees for Awards Recognize someone who makes a difference. + Support Staff Employee of the Year + Professional Specialist of the Year + FCEF Teacher of the Year Nomination Packets available
FCCPS Internet Outage - FCCPS is experiencing a widespread internet outage. IT is working to restore service. We appreciate your patience.
In this week's Friday Reopening Update, Dr. Noonan focuses on work for the Secondary (6-12) Reopening Plan, as well as some updates regarding our Elementary (K-5) Reopening Plan. Plus a few pieces of other information of support for our families.
Dr. Noonan's Friday Reopening Update includes a handy Daily Health Screening checklist, Elementary and Secondary notes, plus guidance on traveling over the holidays.
October 7, 2020 10:15AM EDT
[Monitoring] Site loading issues have resolved, and have remained stable.
We appreciate your patience.
Schoology is currently experiencing an outage.
Schoology support is aware of the issue and is working on a solution.
Thanks for your patience.
The 'First Wave' of FCCPS students - a small cohort hybrid instruction for our most impacted students - will return to the classroom in early October! In addition, Dr. Noonan unveiled the FCCPS COVID Metrics Dashboard to inform our decisions. More:
The year of 2020 wreaks havoc again ... the delivery of our FCEF Run for the Schools t-shirts has been delayed until next week. The Run is absolutely still ON! Wear a FCEF RFS t-shirt from years past or another race shirt.
We expect delivery next week, and will reschedule our State Theatre pick-up date. If you paid to have your shirt mailed, it will still be mailed / delivered to you.
Please don't forget to share your photos on Twitter at #VirtualFCEFRun2020 or on insta at fcefoundation or FB at Falls Church Education Foundation! We can't wait to see you on the trails.
Thanks for your continued support of the Foundation!
The Falls Church School Board is about to continue its Regular Electronic Meeting postponed from Tuesday. Tonight's discussion centers around the FCCPS Return to School plan. Webstream:
Special FCCPS Tech Support Clinic:
FCCPS' Technology Team will be at George Mason High School this Sunday, August 30th from 9:00 am to 3:00 pm to assist any student whose computer cannot access the internet or have issues connecting to Please pull your car up to the door on the Rt. 7 entrance, and the Technology Team will get the computer from your vehicle and return it in just a few minutes.
If you have any questions, thank you for creating a technology request ticket.
FCCPS IT reports service has been restored to the Big Blue Button - the Schoology Conferencing system.
We are experiencing connection issues so students and teachers can access Schoology but the Big Blue Button feature (Conferencing) is not working so teachers are not able to do the conferences with students.
We are working to resolve all issues.
Day 1 of All-Virtual Learning Gets an ‘A' in Falls Church. NBC4 Northern Virginia Bureau Reporter Drew Wilder reports on the first day of all-virtual school in Falls Church.
Inside this week's Road to Reopening: Answers to questions related to day-to-day structure for students, “Pandemic Flight,” return-to-school metrics and measures, meal distribution while virtual, and more parent supports around instruction.
FCCPS Public Meeting Notice
School Board Members: Greg Anderson, Susan Dimock, Laura Downs, Shannon Litton, Phil Reitinger, Shawna Russell, Lawrence Webb
Electronic School Board Regular Meeting
Tuesday, August 11 at 7:00 PM
Public Comment: While the state of emergency remains in effect due to COVID-19, written statements may be submitted to the Clerk for dissemination to Board members. Public Comments will be read into the record for a period of 30 minutes, or until all submitted comments are read, whichever comes first; and in accordance with School Board Bylaw 2.30 the time for each speaker is limited to three minutes.
Please send written statements to School Board Clerk Marty Gadell at Public Comments received by 10:00 AM on the day of the meeting will be posted on Board Docs prior to the meeting.
Falls Church City Public School has announced its policy for providing free or reduced-price meals for children served under the National School Lunch, and/or School Breakfast Programs for 2020-2021. Learn if you are eligible and how to apply:
In Dr. Noonan's Road to Reopening this week, the division's thoughts on 'Podding,' transitioning plans for Student Technology in preparation for the new year, and plus important legal residency and immunization reminders. More:
In this week's Road to Reopening, Dr. Noonan shares context and data points pushing FCCPS to pivot to an all-virtual start to the 2020-21 school year. Plus, LOTS of information on what you can expect when school opens August 24th.
The Falls Church School Board unanimously approved an all-virtual start to the 2020-21 School Year on the recommendation of Superintendent Peter Noonan. Last night, Dr, Noonan outlined what has changed, and the discussed the Risks vs Benefits. MORE:
Dr Noonan announced to teachers, staff and families this morning that he will recommend the School Board adopt a fully virtual start to the FCCPS 2020-21 school year at its Special Meeting tomorrow night at 7pm. More: