Falls Church City Public Schools will move to virtual learning for all cohorts of students, including Cohort 1, on a normal schedule tomorrow February 18, 2021. All buildings will be closed to staff and students.
almost 4 years ago, FCCPS Alert
Falls Church City Public Schools will operate on a normal schedule today - February 11, 2021
almost 4 years ago, FCCPS Communications
With the exception of Cohort 1, FCCPS will open online and on time tomorrow, Tuesday, Feb. 2nd. SVL for students of FCCPS employees will be open. All athletics and activities are canceled. Cohort 1 will have a snow day for students and staff. See DAY TWO plan in graphic:
almost 4 years ago, FCCPS Communications
Snow Day Plan
Falls Church City Public Schools will be closed, Monday, February 1st, 2021. All buildings are closed, all activities are canceled.
almost 4 years ago, FCCPS Communications
Falls Church School Public Schools will operate on normal schedules today - January 26, 2021
almost 4 years ago, FCCPS Communications
The FCCPS Friday FINAL Lookahead is out. Given the latest Health Metrics: Cohort 1 will remain in Hybrid Instruction next week Cohort 2 and Cohort 3 will remain in Virtual Instruction next week. MORE: http://bit.ly/fccpsLA0108
about 4 years ago, FCCPS Communications
FCCPS Lookahead logo
The FCCPS Wednesday Lookahead is out. Given the latest Health Metrics it is likely Cohort 1 will remains in Hybrid Instruction next week, with Cohort 2 and Cohort 3 remaining in Virtual Instruction. A final decision comes Friday. MORE: http://bit.ly/lookahead0106
about 4 years ago, FCCPS Communications
Wednesday Lookahead
The Falls Church City School Board seeks applications from qualified individuals to fulfill the term of School Board member Lawrence Webb, who will resign effective January 4, 2021. Applications may be submitted by qualified voters in the City of Falls Church who are not employed by the School Board. The appointee will serve from the date of appointment until December 31, 2021. http://bit.ly/fcsbvacancy
about 4 years ago, FCCPS Communications
School Board Seeks Applicants for Vacancy
Thanks to the hard work of the staff at The McGuire Group, the GMHS Surplus/Nostalgic Auction is Open! Bidding runs through Dec. 28. https://www.themcguiregroupllc.com/auction/george-mason-high-school-sentimental-and-surplus-online-auction-103
about 4 years ago, FCCPS Communications
Auction is Open Ad
Applications are being accepted for persons interested in being appointed to one of two Advisory Study Committees to the School Board being formed to consider new names for two FCCPS schools. Information on the process can be found here: http://bit.ly/renameCommittee
about 4 years ago, FCCPS Communications
FCCPS Renaming Committee
The long-awaited online auction of GMHS surplus and memorabilia is Dec. 21-28. Watch this space on Monday for the link to bid on appliances, supplies, classroom items, industrial and theatrical supplies and nostalgic items like theater seats, gym floor pieces and more!
about 4 years ago, FCCPS Communications
AUction ad
Due to inclement weather, all athletic practices and tryouts at GMHS are cancelled today, December 16th.
about 4 years ago, FCCPS Alert
In this week's Friday Reopening Update, Superintendent Peter Noonan updates the latest COVID19 Metrics, and discusses Gov Northam's new restrictions. Plus some Holiday Travel Guidance as you plan your holiday activities! Have a great weekend! https://bit.ly/fccpsreopen1211
about 4 years ago, FCCPS Communications
Dr Noonan's Update
Today (Thursday) is the Last Day to order great books from the FCEPTA Book Fair! Look around the bookstore and find awesome book recommendations, teacher wish lists, as well as Bookworm Central’s collection of great books and games. ORDER: https://bit.ly/FCEPTA2021sale
about 4 years ago, FCCPS Communications
Books available during the book sale
The FCCPS 2021-2022 School Calendar is approved and available for downloading! School to start 1 week before Labor Day, includes a 2-week Winter Break, and observes more holidays! DOWNLOAD: https://bit.ly/2022fccps
about 4 years ago, FCCPS Communications
School Calendar for 2021-2022
Reminder: Third Quarter Elementary Intention Form for Hybrid vs Virtual for Kindergarteners through fifth-graders, is due on December 15th. The new choices made by families will take effect on Thursday, January 21. https://bit.ly/3rdqtrintent
about 4 years ago, FCCPS Communications
student in class wearing a mask
The Falls Church School Board has voted unanimously to rename Thomas Jefferson Elementary School and George Mason High School. "Our schools must be places where all students, staff, and community members feel safe, supported, and inspired.” https://bit.ly/fccpsrename
about 4 years ago, FCCPS Communications
School exteriors
The Falls Church School Board is meeting in Regular Session. Watch live: www.youtube.com/fccpsorg
about 4 years ago, FCCPS Communications
FCCPS School Board Regular Monthly Meeting
With COVID Metrics moving from bad to worse, Falls Church City Public Schools will remain in an All-Virtual instruction model until after the Winter Break. Dr. Noonan made the announcement in a letter to staff and families Wednesday afternoon. https://bit.ly/fccpsreopen1202
about 4 years ago, FCCPS Communications
No matter where you are next week, staring Monday, join FCCPS in celebrating 15 Days of Joy to finish out 2020 on a positive note. https://docs.google.com/document/d/1a59rUgIVmG9KeOJIrIrqIxZHaCrsI3TaqxYwq2CrCp0/edit?usp=sharing
about 4 years ago, FCCPS Communications
15 Days of Joy