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Shey Wakeley
Paraprofessional : Kindergarten
Jewel Washington
Paraprofessional : Kindergarten
Jill Wattles
Teacher: 1st Grade
1st Grade
Adena Williams
Library/Media Center Aide
Library/Media Center
Kadesha Wimbush
Day Care Staff
Extended Day Care
Amanda Wittman
Speech Therapist
Specialists and Support Staff
Michael Wolfe
Paraprofessional: Special Education
Special Education and Student Services
Corrie Wright
Teacher: 2nd Grade
2nd Grade
Kimberly Yeager
Specialists and Support Staff
Jacqueline Zablockij-Matos
Paraprofessional: Special Education
Special Education and Student Services
Alenta Zemene
Paraprofessional: Special Education
Special Education and Student Services