Elementary Cheer Clinic Hosted by GMHS Cheer Team and Coaches Saturday, December 14th Registration 8:45AM Camp 9:00AM-12:00PM Kindergarten-5th Grade Welcome NO EXPERIENCE NEEDED! $40 Fee at the door, includes: 3 hour cheer clinic, poms, and a bow! More details: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1XVwVD7i-tJZhTaw6eIjGx8fIyKCyEUF-xk-t6zYzCy4/edit?usp=sharing
about 5 years ago, FCCPS Communications
*LIVE* Falls Church City School Board Work Session now streaming live. https://youtu.be/UVeCBm85qk0
about 5 years ago, FCCPS Communications
This Thursday morning is the next Principal Coffee with Mr. Kasik at Mt. Daniel. The theme for discussion is Caring Community and Culture. Plan to head up the hill for the 9:30 a.m. event in room 228.
about 5 years ago, FCCPS Communications
Here's the latest Danny's Corner. https://mailchi.mp/77c00f151e3a/dannys-corner
about 5 years ago, FCCPS Communications
The Falls Church Education Foundation (FCEF) is honored to steward the FCCPS Family Assistance Fund for the second year. All contributions are used by our four school social workers to assist our community. Donations may be made online at www.fcedf.org by choosing "Donate Now" and specifying "Family Assistance Fund"
about 5 years ago, FCED
The Capital Weather Gang, Washington Post's group of weather gurus, tweeted out a photo of Arlo Rude, a second-grader at Mt. Daniel, who dressed up like the CWG's Jason Samenow for Halloween. The tweet noted, "We see Arlo taking Jason's job in another 15 years."
about 5 years ago, FCCPS Communications
Jason Samenow and Arlo Rude
During a Special Meeting tonight, the Falls Church School Board unanimously approved a new four-year contract for Superintendent Peter Noonan. Learn more: https://docs.google.com/document/d/17g6YNStPfDFaIMWUJsaf68b3Smn1dp4-k_dn-K5cWHs/edit?usp=sharing
about 5 years ago, FCCPS Communications
School Board votes to approve Dr. Noonan for 4 more years.
Superintendent Peter J Noonan
Building on familiarity with coins that begins in kindergarten, these first graders are examining and sorting quarters, dimes, nickels and pennies during math workshop. Students are using the coins' names and values as they sort, before beginning counting activities.
over 5 years ago, FCCPS Communications
Students sorting a pile of coins in math class
After analyzing bus populations and route timing this week, we have made the first tweaks to almost all routes. The Updates are now available and take effect Monday! http://fccps.org/bus We will continue to monitor and adjust as needed.
over 5 years ago, FCCPS
Morning Announcements Sept 9: Building Reading Stamina: Tips inside, TV/Media Class hit the school's studio to begin programming planning for the year. PHOTOS: Friday's Tailgate and Football! Tomorrow: FCEPTA Info Night and Ice Cream Social - https://mailchi.mp/fccps/190647-191197
over 5 years ago, FCCPS