FCCPS Photo/William Bates

On Monday, Superintendent Peter Noonan continued the presentation tour of his FY2020-21 Proposed Budget. Dr. Noonan met with staff members at Mount Daniel Elementary (above) in the morning and that evening held a Community Meeting to share the budget plan at Thomas Jefferson Elementary (below)

Superintendent Peter Noonan presenting his proposed budget to Mount Daniel staff

"This is my ninth year as a superintendent in the Commonwealth of Virginia. And in those nine years, this is likely the best budget. Not likely. It is the best budget I've ever had an opportunity to put together," Noonan began. "I think it's very reflective of the core values and the beliefs of the community."

The budget is centered around the division's three main goals of IB for All, Caring Community and Culture, and Closing Gaps. The proposal includes a step increase for eligible employees and a 1 percent Cost of Living Adjustment (COLA) for all staff members. Other proposed expenditures include projected increases in health insurance and the employer contribution rate for the state-mandated Virginia Retirement System.

The next presentation of the budget is scheduled before a Joint meeting of all FCCPS PTA's on February 5th at 7:00 p.m. in the Henderson Cafeteria.