PYP at Mount Daniel Elementary School

The International Baccalaureate (IB) Primary Years Programme (PYP) offers an inquiry based, transdisciplinary framework for our youngest learners. The PYP teaches students to become active, caring, lifelong learners who demonstrate international-mindedness. It focuses on the development of the whole child as an inquirer, both within and beyond the classroom.
PYP students in FCCPS are encouraged to take action and think about ways they can make their community a better place. We focus on building skills that students will use throughout their educational journey. All students in grades pre-kindergarten-fifth participate in the PYP.
A PYP Glossary of Terms can be found on the PYP for Parents page.
What is the IB PYP?
The IB PYP Programme of Inquiry allows students to explore six transdisciplinary themes that encompass skills, knowledge and content across all subject areas.
Please go to each school's site to learn more.
Concepts help students explore relevant big ideas
Approaches to Learning (ATL) Skills help students develop skills for research, critical and creative thinking, communication, collaboration and self-management
IB Learner Profile attributes help students develop personal traits that will go beyond their academic journey
Student action is about young people making positive changes as a result of their learning.
Core Components of PYP
The IB PYP culminates in an independent learning project entitled PYP Exhibition (in 5th grade). Students develop a focus for the project based on personal interests and complete this project over an extended period of time, encouraging them to consolidate their learning in the IB PYP and reflect on their outcomes of their work.
To learn more about the PYP, please visit: www.ibo.org.